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Collection All Items Jin Yong's World of Martial Arts
  • A Couplet handwritten by Jin Yong (1)
    Jin Yong created this couplet using the first Chinese character of the titles of his 14 novels and novellas. Only the short story, Sword of the Yue Maiden, is not included.
  • A Couplet handwritten by Jin Yong (2)
    This is a couplet calligraphed by Jin Yong and presented to the Hong Kong Central Library during his visit to the Library in 2001.
  • The Eagle-shooting Heroes serialised in Hong Kong Commercial Daily
    The huge popularity of The Eagle-shooting Heroes firmly established Jin Yong’s position as a martial arts novelist of the New School. According to the author’s own observation, it was among his top selling titles probably because the readers found the characters lively and memorable.
  • First instalment of The Book and the Sword serialised on New Evening Post
    In early 1954, a sensational match was held in Macao between Wu Kung I, a direct descendant of the founder of the Wu style Tai Chi Chuan, and Chen Kefu, a master of the White Crane School. Riding on the media hype generated from the Wu-Chen contest, the New Evening Post launched the serialised novel Boxer Rebellion in the Capital City by Liang Yusheng (whose real name was Chen Wentong), and it became a hit with readers. Luo Fu, the then editor-in-chief of the New Evening Post, asked another employee, Louis Cha, to also contribute a serial martial arts novel, culminating in the release on 8 February 1955 of The Book and the Sword under Cha’s pen name, Jin Yong.
  • Final instalment The Book and the Sword serialised on New Evening Post
    The initial instalments of The Book and the Sword met with only mediocre reception, but the serial gradually captured the imagination of its readership following the introduction of more characters coupled with the story’s unique historical backdrop, the intrigue of the developing plot and the lively fighting scenes. It eventually gained huge popularity and carved a special place for itself in the market for martial arts novels.
  • Final instalment Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain serialised on New Evening Post
    The final instalment of Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain was serialised on New Evening Post 18 June 1959. On 20 May 1959, Louis Cha joined forces with Shen Pao-sing, a friend from junior secondary school, to found the Ming Pao Daily News in Hong Kong and began serialising The Giant Eagle and Its Companion.
  • "The predicatment of pirated books in Hong Kong" by Liang Yusheng
    Liang Yusheng wrote about the dire situation of pirated books in Hong Kong during the 1950s.
    Taking Jin Yong's The Book and the Sword as example, the licensed copies published by San Yu Stationery and Publishing Company were often preceded on the market by unlicensed publishers rushed for speed with pirated versions.