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  • Scaffolding works at Woodland Villa in Shouson Hill
    This protective passage scaffold was built at the entrance of a car park in Shouson Hill. Above the car park, there was a wall painting project going on. In recent years, a protective scaffold has appeared to be necessary in construction sites as the society has become more aware of the danger of construction that might cause to its neighbourhood.
  • Decorative flower board scaffolds at Sam Kung Temples Complex in Plover Cove,Tai Po
    The scaffolds were built to hold the flowers banners. Single layered scaffolds were made to form these flower board scaffolds. The problem here was to find a stable support for holding the scaffolds because it was an open space area without anything to lean on. Workers usually fixed water pipes and iron rods into the soil as supports.
  • Young bamboo
    This image shows the fast-growing, young bamboos on Victoria Peak in Hong Kong.