Governor MacLehose takes office

The launch Lady Maurine has arrived at Queen’s Pier. I can see the new Hong Kong governor Sir Murray MacLehose standing on the deck at the very front. He is wearing the governor’s uniform of a white jacket and white trousers. His wife is standing next to him, along with the Commander of British Forces in Hong Kong, Lieutenant General Sir Richard Ward, and acting governor Sir Hugh Norman-Walker. They are all standing on the deck. Now the Lady Maurine is berthing at Queen’s Pier. I can see a sailor throwing a rope towards the pier. Soon, Governor Sir Murray MacLehose will come ashore at the pier. A bright red carpet lines the pathway from Queen’s Pier to the spectator stand. The Lady Maurine is docking, and the photographers are fighting for a good shot from the reporters’ stand. The cameras keep on flashing. Now we can see Sir Murray leaving the Lady Maurine. He should be ascending the stone steps now. Yes, Sir Murray is coming up the steps. Next to him is the Commander of British Forces in Hong Kong, Sir Richard Ward, followed by two aides-de-camp. Behind them, acting governor Sir Hugh Norman-Walker accompanies Lady MacLehose. Now Sir Murray has reached the reviewing stand, where he will receive a royal salute.

Material Type
Source Radio Television Hong Kong
Repository Radio Television Hong Kong
Note to Copyright Permission for use is given by Radio Television Hong Kong
Accession No. lcs-mws-0173
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