Pingsha Luoyan (Wild Geese Landing on Sand)

The piece first appeared in a manuscript of the late Ming Dynasty. One of the most widely played pieces of the last three hundred years, it exists in scores of notational versions. The version in the Tianwenge Qinpu (Tianwenge Qin Handbook) (1876) has a note that suggests programmatic content: “The autumnal sky is high and the air is clear; the wind is calm and the sand is smooth; the clouds stretch for ten thousand miles; the wild geese fly freely in the sky, sharing the thoughts of this wanderer.” This recording is played based on the score handed down by Pei Jieqing and is played by Chung Siu-sun, Sunny with his own made Zhongni Style Qin (silk strings).

Maker's Note This is my first qin. Each layer of base cement on the qin top and bottom was made black. The darker the colour is; the shinier the markers are. It took me a very long time to make this qin even though the craftsmanship is very crude. All my fellow classmates were keen to share their knowledge about creating wonderful sounds and have encouraged me all along. They all helped me here and there in the making of this qin. I have carved all their names in the qin belly with a small knife. I have enjoyed the wonderful experience studying the craft of qin making and playing. This primitively made qin has taken me along like a raft. I ride on it and indulge myself with no intention of pulling ashore.
Material Type
Source Intangible Cultural Heritage Office and Hong Kong Heritage Museum
Repository Intangible Cultural Heritage Office
Note to Copyright Permission for use in Hong Kong Memory is given by Intangible Cultural Heritage Office and Hong Kong Heritage Museum
Accession No. lcs-hkqs-0232
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