Jinyu Strings, product of Suzhou Cooperative for the production of Carvings (produced after 1954) (1)

Traditionally, qin strings had been made in family workshops. After 1949, private enterprises became under joint state-private ownership. In September 1954, Fang Yuting’s workshop joined the Suzhou Cooperative for the Production of Carvings. He continued to make strings to meet the needs of qin players all over the country.
Except for the name of the manufacturer, the wrapping of the strings was the same as that originally used by Fang Yuting, including the process of string making described by Wu Jinglue in 1944 printed on the back of the wrapping. Another string maker was He Zhengqi, a student of Fang Yuting. He was Fang Yuting’s only student who was named on product wrappings.
This exhibit is in paper wrapping. The spare string is missing. The method of tying the strings is the same as that used by Laosantai Huihui Tang of the late Qing Dynasty.
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