Oversea manufacturers took part in the Hong Kong Products Exhibition

The Exhibitions not only attracted Hong Kong people to come to visit, but also drew overseas buyers to stop by. To this end, the CMA issued invitation letters to the members of overseas trade associations. For example, trade associations and merchants from Taiwan were received by CMA staff at the airport on their visits to the Exhibitions. At that time, overseas manufacturers mainly came from Southeast Asian countries. These visitors were especially interested in checking out stalls which displayed daily commodities such as lanterns and antimony wares.

Organization Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong
Period Exhibitions of Hong Kong Products (1950-1960), Exhibitions of Hong Kong Products (1961-1974)
Document Type Oral History
Material Type
Source Hong Kong Memory Project Oral History Interview
Repository Hong Kong Memory Project
Note to Copyright Copyright owned by Hong Kong Memory Project
Accession No. HKPE-OH-FYH-8
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