The China Paint Manufacturing Company at the Hong Kong Products Exhibition

The China Paint Manufacturing Company used various channels to maintain its brand image through television commercials, giant posters on building walls and Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo. The company joined the Expo in order for promoting its products rather than direct sales. However in 2009, the company began to sell paint during the Expo. It also provided delivery service that allowed consumers to pick up the products at specific point of sale.
When he was a young boy, Paul Lam had visited the old form of Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo which were held before 1974. The lively atmosphere there made him feel it like a carnival. The company’s booth was specially designed to attract the attention of the visitors. The company had arranged a demonstration of paintbrush by robot machine at the booth to attract visitors, as a way to promote its products.

Company China Paint Mfg. Co. (1932) Ltd.
Industry Chemical Products
Period Exhibitions of Hong Kong Products (1950-1960), Exhibitions of Hong Kong Products (1961-1974)
Document Type Oral History
Material Type
Source Hong Kong Memory Project Oral History Interview
Repository Hong Kong Memory Project
Note to Copyright Copyright owned by Hong Kong Memory Project
Accession No. HKPE-OH-PL
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