Unforgettable experience during the first year of work: Making up this deficiency of professional knowledge, Destined to be involved in electronics industry

Having graduated from university, Wong applied for a job in electronics factories. He was accepted by the Hong Kong branches of both Motorola and Ampex Ferrotec. As Ampex manufactured core memory and Wong was enthusiastic in computers, he decided to work in Ampex as an engineer. At that time, the technology of magnetic core was used for manufacturing core memory, and Wong had not studied anything related to digital circuit when he was in university. Students of Engineering Department of The University of Hong Kong were required to study a 3-year programme which aimed at providing them with fundamental knowledge. In the subject of Electronics, they mainly studied the technologies of speakers and transistor, not including new technologies such as digital circuit. In order to make up this deficiency, Wong borrowed books on Boolean Algebra from the library of The University of Hong Kong. He stressed that one had to learn continuously as not all the knowledge acquired in school would be useful in his work. In reminiscence, Wong thought that he was destined to be involved in electronics industry as transistor was launched when he was born, and integrated circuit had just been introduced when he graduated from university. He talked about the unforgettable experience during the first year of work. On the Eve of the Chinese New Year, he worked overnight with his boss in Ampex, testing equipment for the US headquarters so the results could be sent to USA on New Year Day. To Wong, working overtime was a responsibility. He advised the youths not to mind doing extra work but to follow the example set by people of the last generation.

Company Ampex Ferrotec Limited
Subject Industry
Duration 7m45s
Language Cantonese
Material Type
Source Hong Kong Memory Project Oral History Interview
Repository Hong Kong Memory Project
Note to Copyright Copyright owned by Hong Kong Memory Project
Accession No. LKF-WHY-SEG-002
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