Downstream development prospect of Hong Kong Industry: Retailing and Branding

Hong Kong counted on the labour-intensive manufacturing industry for her success. The manufacturers rarely invested in high-tech research and development. Nowadays, given the rapid development of manufacturing engineering, the requirement for labours was significantly lowered. Apart from this, a globalised economy had caused capitals to flow to the most cost-effective regions. It would be difficult for Hong Kong to return to mass production, and any thought of reviving local manufacturing industry was deemed impractical. WK Chan stressed that manufacturing activities was not the whole of industry, which had a wide coverage from production of cottons to the retail of garments, as in the case of garment industry. He proposed that Hong Kong’s industry should dig deep down to the lower end with an accent on retail and brand development. Take the garment manufacturing industry as an example. Many local manufacturers tapped into the overseas market in recent years. For instance, KF Chao, Chao Kuang Piu’s son, marketed the Tommy Hilfiger brand, which exerted a rich western style, in the USA. By now the company already went public in the states. Their purchasing office was based in Hong Kong. The Chao family were the best example of Hong Kong manufacturers tapping into the US market. Esprit, a big fashion label in Germany, was jointly run by Hong Kong and Germany businessmen with Hong Kong as their purchasing base. Giordano, a famous Hong Kong brand, focused on Asia for marketing with headquarters in Hong Kong. YGM adopted a strategy of acquiring famous brand names. Few years ago, they bought Aquascutum, an old British brand, and promoted it in Mainland and South East Asia. WK Chan held the view that Hong Kong’s industry had transformed from manufacturing to service, the latter of which was still part of industry. He accented that companies of famous brands need not be headquartered in Hong Kong. Now many companies had moved their headquarters to the Mainland. Should this trend continue, Hong Kong’s future would be adversely affected.

Company Yangtzekiang Garment Limited
Subject Industry
Duration 12m23s
Language Cantonese
Material Type
Source Hong Kong Memory Project Oral History Interview
Repository Hong Kong Memory Project
Note to Copyright Copyright owned by Hong Kong Memory Project
Accession No. LKF-CWK-SEG-007
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