Early development of factory site of Fowind

At the beginning the factory of Fowind was located at Pan Hoi Street, Quarry Bay. The company rented some space in a warehouse building owned by Wu Man Hon. In 1963 or 1964, the factory was demolished and resettled to Hop Shi Factory Building in Chai Wan. Lam Leung borrowed money to buy a premise of one and a half floor. Total area was 30,000 sq feet. In 1969, he bought a lot of 5500 sq feet in Ning Foo Street and developed it into Eltee Building in 1975. It became the new plant of Fowind.

Company Forward Winsome Industries Limited
Subject Industry
Duration 4m5s
Language Cantonese
Material Type
Source Hong Kong Memory Project Oral History Interview
Repository Hong Kong Memory Project
Note to Copyright Copyright owned by Hong Kong Memory Project
Accession No. LKF-FW-SEG-005
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