History of the textile industry in Post-War Hong Kong. Pioneers of Hong Kong textile industry.

Hong Kong's textile industry first started with mainly weaving factories, as the technology required was introduced here quite early. Dyeing technology also had a significant impact on textile industry. The progress made in chemical dye technology also drove the Hong Kong textile industry to change. In the earlier days, chemical dyes were imported from Europe. Yu Kam Kei's Cheung Wah Ho Dyestuffs Company and another agent Wing Wah Company were in the business of importing dyes and they made considerable profits. After the war, spinning became the major component of the local textile industry.During the 1940s, many Shanghainese entrepreneurs moved to Hong Kong after the liberation of China.They contributed to the development of the spinning industry here.Nan Fung Mill was such example. The company owned a lot of land for its factories. It later on became a listed company as a property developer. Other pioneers in the spinning business were TAL Group's Li Zhen Zhi; Winsor Industrial's Chou Wen Hsien and Peninsula Knitters Ltd's Tang Hsiang Chien. Pioneers in weaving were Lim Por-Yen of Lai Sun Garment which was in weaving and his wife U Po-chu's Bo Ngai Company which was in knitting business; Yangtzekiang Garment Ltd's Chan Sui-kau who started his company with weaving and knitting, and Esquel Group's Yang Yuan Lung who started at TAL Group but later developed his own business. And those in knitting were Law's Textile Industrial Ltd's Law Ting Pong who was in knitwear and knitting; Lap Shun Textiles's Law Siu Lun; Unison Knitting Factory's Ng Chong and Unitex Ltd's Chan Fok Hei.

Company Fountain Set (Holdings) Limited
Subject Industry
Duration 7m41s
Language Cantonese
Material Type
Source Hong Kong Memory Project Oral History Interview
Repository Hong Kong Memory Project
Note to Copyright Copyright owned by Hong Kong Memory Project
Accession No. AY-HCF-SEG-003
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