Transmitting electronics technology in the Far East

In 1970, Lee joined another company, Ampex, and helped it set up a factory in Asia. He had to travel to Thailand, Taiwan, the Philippines and South Korea to inspect whether the countries was suitable for investment. The head office of Ampex finally ordered that the Asian factory be set up in Taiwan. Lee did not observe much difference in the level of electronic developments between Hong Kong and Taiwanin early 1970s. Although Taiwan’s development started later, it moved forward speedily. Their Minister of Finance, Li Kwoh-Ting, was very supportive to the industry and that was why Ampex started the first Asian circuit board factory in Taiwan. Setting up a factory in Hong Kong, in Lee’s opinion, could facilitate the transfer of technology to Hong Kong.
Lee opened a new Design Engineering Department for Ampex, the first amongst American electronic companies. The Department hired local Hong Kong-trained engineers such as H.Y.Wong, who, for a long time, had served as the factory’s Engineering Manager. The founder of Elec and Eltek had also worked at Ampex under Lee’s supervision until he got hold of the circuit board technology and started his own business. There were a lot of similarities between the Design Department in Hong Kong and that of the head office in the US, hence the Hong Kong engineers often went to the US for exchange visits. The Design Department had the most advanced machinery, allowing Hong Kong to produce top-rate designs. Lee pointed out that grasping the techniques were of prime important, whereas doing product tests was just a secondary procedure.

Company Ampex Ferrotec Limited
Subject Industry
Duration 4m53s
Language Cantonese
Material Type
Source Hong Kong Memory Project Oral History Interview
Repository Hong Kong Memory Project
Note to Copyright Copyright owned by Hong Kong Memory Project
Accession No. LKF-AMPEX-SEG-001
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