Diversified enterprising methods of Yangtzekiang Garment Mfrs: OEM, Brand, Retailing and Trade

Since its early years, Yangtzekiang Garment Mfrs has been taking OEM orders, which still remains the mainstream business of the company. Its major clientele comprises of such US and European brands as Hugo Boss, Marc Jacobs and Nike. In the early 1960s, Yangtzekiang already had its own retail outlet in Hong Kong, which was named Yangtzekiang Outlet. Self-designed suits of the American style were sold. A significant number of the customers were university professors. The retail outlet was in the vicinity of Entertainment Building, Wyndham Street. The rent of the store was 700 dollars per month. It has now risen to 700 to 800 thousand dollars, which is, S.K. Chan lamented, a drastic change from the past. In the old day, Yangtzekiang hired an American tailor to design suits and presented the market with ready-made products. The company broke the custom of having tailor-made suits and pioneered in Hong Kong’s garment manufacturing industry. In 1973, S.K. Chan’ daughter joined the company. Yangtzekiang took in other brands and acted as an agent for the jeans and shirts of the Wrangler brand, which was an American fashion brand. Wrangler showed sound brand effect, mentioned S.K. Chan, an unbranded shirt sold only a little more than 10 dollars but it got marked up to more than 30 dollars when sewn with the Wrangler label. The company made and sold Wrangler garments on its own, and promoted them with immense advertisements. It had Tai Yau Department Store on Nathan Road as its key sales office. Yangtzekiang mainly made shirts, trousers and suits and produced fewer jeans in its early years. Knitted products were then introduced and were outsourced to contractor factories. It was not until the acquisition of Hong Kong Knitters Limited had the company self-produced knitted shirts. Yangtzekiang’s primary products were of the middle to high class. In 1977, in view of the fast sale in the suits store, the company created the Michel Rene brand that carried a pronounced French style to meet local customers’ fancy to foreign things. This even greatly impressed veteran Ann Tse Kai of the textile industry. The Michel Rene brand has been handled by S.K. Chan’s daughter since its birth. In recent years, Yangtzekiang has put great efforts into the branding business by successively acquiring old European fashion brands such as GuyLaroche, Ashworth and Aquascutum. GuyLaroche was a nearly 200-year-old French brand for women garments. Yangtzekiang set up an office in France to seek out brand representatives. In 2001, Yangtzekiang acquired Aquascutum, a brand that yields the best in the meantime for Yangtzekiang. As for Wrangler, its products were sold at quite low prices and Yangtzekiang eventually gave on the dealership for this brand. In the early 1990s, Yangtzekiang shut down its factories in South East Asia one after another, and turned to the trading of mainly low-class garments. The turnover of sales has now exceeded that of manufacturing.

Company Yangtzekiang Garment Limited
Subject Industry
Duration 17m53s
Language Cantonese
Material Type
Source Hong Kong Memory Project Oral History Interview
Repository Hong Kong Memory Project
Note to Copyright Copyright owned by Hong Kong Memory Project
Accession No. LKF-CSK-SEG-007
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