Employees at the mainland plant

Dailywin’s Dongguan plant hired Hong Kong managers to take charge during its initial start up and hired general workers in China. During its peak period, the factory had 25 staff members from Hong Kong stationed in the mainland where they managed and trained up local personnel. Today, just four staff members from Hong Kong are stationed in China. At first, mainland workers were mostly junior high school graduates. So much so that Dailywin once asked a middle school in Qingyuan to select its best graduates to work in its local factory. As Dailywin’s plant had better facilities, workers coming from the countryside were generally very satisfied with its boarding arrangements. Leung Wai Ho was quite lenient about academic requirements for mainland technical staff. In recent years, positions such as production processes and material management were filled by mainland university graduates. From 1993 onwards, Dailywin set up annual scholarships at the Dongguan University of Technology to attract students to join it after graduation. At present, six awardees are employed and hold senior positions in this way.

Company Daily Win Watch Products Mfg. Ltd.
Subject Industry
Duration 7m33s
Language Cantonese
Material Type
Source Hong Kong Memory Project Oral History Interview
Repository Hong Kong Memory Project
Note to Copyright Copyright owned by Hong Kong Memory Project
Accession No. LKF-DW-SEG-006
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