Introduction of American style of management in Elec and Eltek (2)

David was born and raised in the mainland. Many years ago he came to Hong Kong and worked in Ampex, a US company. There he was promoted from Production Technician to Engineer. As he was used to the American style of management, he managed Elec Eltek in the same mode, and the issue of conflict in values did not exist. Since David established Elec Eltek, he had had a lot of clients in USA. Therefore, he often went to California to visit his clients’ factories. At that time many founders of electronics factories in Hong Kong had previously worked in US companies. Electronics companies mostly adopted the American style of management and relied on computers more than companies in other fields did. Two to three years after their establishment, Elec and Eltek had already implemented Management Information System (MIS). David stressed that if Elec and Eltek wanted to expand in future, they should use computerized management as soon as possible. Two objectives of Total Quality Management (TQM) were Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Just-In-Time (JIT). The key to putting ERP into practice was using MIS, setting up a central computer to grasp the condition and changes of all the production lines.
In the 1990s, the branches of Elec and Eltek were all over Guangzhou, Thailand and Nanjing. At that time, a few tens of engineers were employed in the Hong Kong headquarters to handle ERP so that the headquarters could understand the condition of the production lines in all the branches in just half an hour. As a result, the work process of every product part could be monitored to realize a zero-error JIT. The key to the success of TQM was openness, justice and fairness – the staff could not hide any information on production.
Implementation of ERP in the mainland branches had faced a lot of obstacles because the partners from the mainland, for their private interests, covered the negative information such as omitting report on the scrap rate of metal, which indirectly caused damage to Elec and Eltek’s profits. Therefore, David enforced implementation of ERP, voluntarily revealed to the mainland partners the purchasing prices of raw materials so that there was more transparency on both sides. The concept of ERP was then gradually accepted in the mainland. TQM helped to decrease the staff’s workload, so their efficiency would not decrease but increase. David emphasized that what TQM did was to “improve”, not to “reform”, and it was gradually carried out according to the expansion of the company. The result of TQM in Hong Kong, the mainland and Thailand was good, especially in Hong Kong as the staff there had had many years of experience so they were more ready to adopt TQM. In 2004, Elec and Eltek as well as all their branches were sold to Kingboard Chemicals Holdings Limited.

Company Elec and Eltek International Company Limited
Subject Industry
Duration 20m11s
Language Cantonese
Material Type
Source Hong Kong Memory Project Oral History Interview
Repository Hong Kong Memory Project
Note to Copyright Copyright owned by Hong Kong Memory Project
Accession No. LKF-DAVIDSO-SEG-009
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