Modern Paints and Paint Industry in Hong Kong

Founder of China Paint Manufacturing Co. Ltd, Lam Kun, wrote an article which appeared in the Catalogue of the 17th Chinese Goods Exhibition. The article was about the development of Chinese and overseas made paints, eight common types of paints in Hong Kong at that time and their usage. He also gave an introduction to the development of paint industry in Hong Kong at the later part of the article.

Industry Paint
Material Type
Source [Chinese Publications] 香港中華廠商聯合會:《第十七屆香港華資工業出品展覽會特刊》,香港:香港中華廠商聯合會,1959-1960年,頁64-65。
Repository The University of Hong Kong Libraries
Note to Copyright Permission for use is given by The Chinese Manufacturers' Association
Accession No. J_162
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