
This document is Chapter 11 of the Report by the Labour Officer Mr H.R. Butters on Labour and Labour Conditions in Hong Kong. The Chapter recorded stories of 20 workers who provided information of their jobs and income and the living standards of the respective families. In each story, information concerning the sex, age, place of origin, occupation, wage level, working hours, housing accommodation, household structure and the social connections of the worker in the Colony were given.

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Source "Cases", Report by the Labour Officer Mr H.R. Butters on Labour and Labour Conditions in Hong Kong, pp.157-163, Sessional Papers 1939, Papers laid before the Legislative Council of Hongkong 1939. Hong Kong Government Reports Online (1842-1941).
Repository The University of Hong Kong Libraries Digital Initiatives
Note to Copyright Copyright expires
Accession No. WL-LAB-009f
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