Factories and Workshops (1939)

This document is Chapter 6 of the Report by the Labour Officer Mr H.R. Butters on Labour and Labour Conditions in Hong Kong. Two tables are attached in the document is attached with two tables, one showing, as at the time of report, the number of registered factories by industry and the other showing the number of workers by industry and by sex. This chapter also reported on the employment patterns of male and female labourers, the employment conditions of skilled and unskilled labour, the practices and problems of subcontracting in the building and heavy industries, the apprentice system in some trades, the use of child labour, workers’ accommodation, the situation of factories in tenement buildings, accidents and safety precautions of factories, the working hours of certain industries and the prohibited hours for women and young persons.

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Source "Factories and Workshops", Report by the Labour Officer Mr H.R. Butters on Labour and Labour Conditions in Hong Kong, pp.129-136, Sessional Papers for the year 1939. Hong Kong Government Reports Online (1842-1941).
Repository The University of Hong Kong Libraries Digital Initiatives
Note to Copyright Copyright expires
Accession No. WL-LAB-009a
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