Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the conditions of the industrial employment of...

The report was submitted on 24th October 1921 to the Governor in Council. It consisted of two parts. Part I reported on the overall situation of child labour in factories and Part II described a few observations of children employed in casual labour. Factory representatives had attended meetings with the Commission and supplied information about the use of child labour in their factories. The commission members also made site visits to the factories where they drew down their observation. The factories participated in the investigation were manufactures of knitting, tobacco, perfumery, biscuit, glasses, paste and shipyards and engineering. The commission made recommendations on minimum working ages, working hours and the maximum weight children should carry. The report also described the working conditions of children employed in 10 selected factories. In Appendix 2, a commission member, Mr H.R. Wells, gave a separate report on his proposal for free education for children and the response from the Director of Education. In Appendix 3, the two Chinese members, Mr Li Ping and Mr Chow Shou Son, gave their separate reports stating the reasons why child labour could improve the livelihood of poor families.

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Source Sessional Papers 1921, Papers laid before the Legislative Council of Hongkong 1921. Hong Kong Government Reports Online (1842-1941).
Repository The University of Hong Kong Libraries Digital Initiatives
Note to Copyright Copyright expires
Accession No. WL-LAB-004
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