Labour (1938)

The document is originally in the Administrative Report for the Year 1938. It reported on the general situation of industries, factory regulation and employment in Hong Kong. There were 55,000 persons engaged in industries, of which 38,211 persons engaged in 12 major industries such as shipyards, sugar refineries, breweries, oil refineries, engineering, factories of metal wares, knitting, spinning and weaving, rubber, printing, newspaper and tobacco.

Industry shipbuilding | sugar | metal | brewery | knitting | spinning and weaving | rubber | tobacco | printing | newspaper | oil refinery | engineering
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Source "Labour", pp.31-32; "Wages and Cost of Living", p.33, Administrative Reports for the year 1938. Hong Kong Government Reports Online (1842-1941).
Repository The University of Hong Kong Libraries Digital Initiatives
Note to Copyright Copyright expires
Accession No. WL-HIS-015p
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