Regulation of Factories (1924)

The report was originally under Report of the Secretariat for Chinese Affairs for the year 1924 of the Administrative Reports for the year 1924. This section was introduced since the first employment law in Hong Kong, the Industrial Employment of Children Ordinance, was passed in 1922. The Protector of Labour was appointed under the Ordinance to exercise the authority of enforcing the ordinance and the by-laws. Between 1922 and 1937, the Secretariat for Chinese Affairs was appointed as the Protector and Inspectors of Juvenile Labour were appointed under the Secretariat for Chinese Affairs to conduct factory inspection. This report provided information about the conditions of children employed in the factories and in dangerous industries, the hardship facing factories under the General Strike that year and the problems of factory accidents.

Industry knitting | glass | fireworks
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Source "Secretariat for Chinese Affairs", Administrative Reports for the year 1924, pp.C14-C15, C17. Hong Kong Government Reports Online (1842-1941).
Repository The University of Hong Kong Libraries Digital Initiatives
Note to Copyright Copyright expires
Accession No. WL-HIS-015b
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