Ordinance passed and assented to: Factories and Workshops, No. 18 of 1937

The object of this bill is to transfer the office of Protector of Labour from the Secretary for Chinese Affairs to the Chairman of the Urban Council and to vest the control of factories, workshops and the employment of women, young persons and children in certain industries in the Urban Council. This bill is based upon the provisions of the Factories and Workshops Ordinance, 1932 (Ordinance No.27 of 1932), which, with the Factories and Workshops Amendment Ordinance, 1936, (No.36 of 1936), it repeals. The regulations under Ordinance No.27 of 1932 and those set out in the Schedule to that Ordinance, in the Government Notifications No. 660 of 1933 and No. 784 of 1936, were re-adopted in the form of by-laws. To give effect to the International labour Convention adopted at Washington on 28th November, 1919, the minimum age for employment in industrial undertakings is fixed at 14 years, and the period for women and young persons not to be employed during the night to 11 hours.

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Source Hong Kong Government Gazette 1937, Notification No. 690, pp.727-736. Hong Kong Government Reports Online (1842-1941).
Repository The University of Hong Kong Libraries Digital Initiatives
Note to Copyright Copyright expires
Accession No. WL-ORD-008c
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