Guide to the Chinese Manufacturers' products of Hong Kong

The book has 4 sections. Section 1 is reviews on different Hong Kong industries. Section 2 is an inventory of Chinese manufacturers. It provides factory name, address, history of foundation, capital, import of materials, export of products, manufactures, trademarks, volume of sales, employment conditions and factory premises. Each factory report is accompanied with pictures or sketches of its products and trademarks. The manufactories are classified into 11 industries and 33 sub-divisions. Section 3 has 3 graphs showing (1) the number of factories opened in each year from 1906 to 1934; (2) the proportions of factories by industry type; (3) size of capital investment by industry type. An index of directory of Chinese manufacturers is attached. Section 4 is the annual report of the Hong Kong Chinese Manufacturers' Association.

Industry metal | machinery | torch | battery | tin can | steel window | lead | textile | cotton | dyeing | woollen | clothing | hat | rubber | food | beverage | canned food | tobacco | confectionery | tea | chemical | perfumery | paint | varnish | lacquer | fireworks | plastic | wood | stone | enamel | glass | leather | hide | printing | furniture | wood | tooth pick | mosquito stick | vacuum flask | factory | knitting | weaving | towelling
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Source [Chinese Publication] 梁謙武編:《香港中華廠商出品指南》,香港:香港中華廠商聯合會,1936年。
Repository The University of Hong Kong Libraries
Note to Copyright Copyright expires
Accession No. WL-HIS-011
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