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書籍 工商日報編輯部:《香港華資工廠調查錄》,香港:工商日報,1934年。 王楚瑩:《香港工廠調查》,香港:華僑新聞企業公司,1947年。 佚名:《香港工業》,香港,1953年。 吳倫霓霞、張曉輝:〈近代中國的粵港華商成藥聯號〉,《近代史研究》,1995年02期。 協群公司:《香港華僑工商業年鑑》,香港:協群公司,1940年。 星島日報特刊組:《工展四十 崢嶸歲月》,香港:香港中華商廠聯合會;星島日報,2005年。 香港九龍商業分類行名錄出版社:《香港九龍商業分類行名錄》,香港:香港九龍商業分類行名錄出版社,1939年。 香港華商織造總會:《年刊》
The first industrial employment ordinance in Hong Kong was enacted in 1922 to regulate the industrial employment of child labour. The Ordinance was applicable to factories employing more than 10 persons, mines, shipyards, construction and building, transport of goods or passengers. The legal minimum
The Refinery premises increasingly dominated the landscape as construction continued in the 1890s. Besides the refinery proper, there were brick godowns and steel godowns, a coal yard, boiler houses, melting houses, workshops, office buildings and separate quarters for foreign and Chinese staff. The
1921年政府委任一個委員會,探討本地的童工問題,從中提出立法建議。委員會透過會見工廠代表、巡視廠房、訪問管理層和勞工、與街童談話等渠道蒐集證據。  委員會報告指出,香港童工年齡低至7、8歲,他們受僱為雜工,搬運笨重的磚塊或其他物料上山。在製造業方面,童工年齡介乎11至16歲,工時甚長。女童工主要從事香煙包裝和針織廠的工作;男童工或於高危的玻璃廠工作,或在船廠清潔蒸汽鍋爐。廠內工作者支取件薪和日薪,兒童的工資低於成人。有些男童受僱為工資微薄的學徒,由僱主提供免費食宿。 兒童被親屬從內地農村帶到香港定居。當中不少投身工作,幫補本港和家鄉親人的生計。委員會內一名華人成員建議,只要工作條件不致危
                                                                                                                  特藏             歷史與社會             地理與環境             藝術與文化             傳播與媒體                                             戰前香港教育             往昔家園:從寮屋到公屋             月份牌王關蕙農             香港
These are the annual reports laid to the Legislative Council from the Government, which include different sections in relation to industry and labour. From 1908 to 1937, these reports include a section “Industries” (which was retitled to “Manufactures” in 1927 and then to “Production” in 1931) in th
In the 19th century, many more people were employed in the service sector than in manufacturing, and in manufacturing, most people were engaged in handicrafts rather than in power-driven, highly mechanized industries. The Census returns of various years listed people in manufacturing occupations; in
HKJC - A History of Hong Kong The history of The Hong Kong Jockey Club reflects very much the history of Hong Kong. For over 125 years, in one way or another, it has touched everyone's life in Hong Kong. On a global basis, the Club has gained a renowned reputation in the international racing scene.
John Samuel Swire, aiming to build the largest and most up-to-date sugar refining plant in China, founded Taikoo Sugar Refining Company in June 1881. The Refinery, built in Quarry Bay at the eastern end of Hong Kong Island, was opened on 17 March 1884 with Butterfield & Swire as agent. Sugar refi
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