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Collection All Items Siu Yat-tung(Audio)
  • Pingsha Luoyan (Wild Geese Landing on Sand)
    This piece first appeared in a manuscript of the late Ming Dynasty. One of the most widely played pieces of the last three hundred years, it exists in scores of notational versions. The version in the Tianwenge Qinpu (Tianwenge Qin Handbook) (1876) bears a note that suggests programmatic content: “The autumnal sky is high and the air is clear; the wind is calm and the sand is smooth; the clouds stretch for ten thousand miles; the wild geese fly freely in the sky, sharing the thoughts of this wanderer.” This recording is played based on Jiao’an Qinpu (Jiao’an Qin Handbook) (1868) and is played by Siu Yat-tung with his own made Zhongni Style Qin (silk strings).