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製造業通用  鐘表業 電子業 製衣業 金屬器具業 塑膠業 製造業通用 外發 「外發」是戰後香港工業的一種常見生產模式,通行於製衣、鐘表、電子、五金、塑膠等行業。大廠對訂單應接不瑕之時,將部份訂單外發與山寨廠或住家工場承接。外發有兩大形式,一種是發包或分包,承接者只需負責個別工序;一種是外包或委外,承接者要負責全件產品。外發模式加強了香地工業的競爭力,有助廠商靈活應對國際市場的轉向。 洋行、莊口、嚤囉行 「洋行」又名「出口商」 或「貿易公司」,是歐美客戶與本地廠商交易的中介機構。洋行集中在尖沙咀和中環,著名者有「利豐」、「華興」、「益盛」等。1950和1960年代本地廠商大多無力直接
  • Glossary
This document is extracted from the Report of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce for the year 1932. In regard of manufacturing industries in Hong Kong, the Chamber suggested that Hong Kong industrial products that fit the requirement under United Kingdom Import Duty Act should be exempted fro
  • Pre-war Industry
  • 1932
In reviewing the history of the Hong Kong PVC industry, Chan Wah Cheung, founder of Chit Shing P.V.C. Products MFY. LTD. believed that 1953/54 was a start-up stage. It was then that manufacturers began to use high frequency machines to produce PVC products including stationery, document bags, pencil
  • Post-war Industries
  • 1950s-1990s
              香港工業的興衰     香港工業歷史悠久,最早起步的是造船業,其後英資公司不斷投資於重型工業;20世紀初華商來港設廠及使用機器操作,織布、膠鞋、電筒等行業開始萌芽。至淪陷前夕,本地工業已有顯著的成績。淪陷時雖曾幾近停頓,戰後復員迅速。內地南來的工業家引進資金和技術;內地移民成為廉價勞力;韓戰時貿易資金流向製造業;歐美市場開放;各種外在因素令香港工業高速成長。至1960年代,香港是東亞地區輕工業製品的出口中心,1970年代本港廠商為外國品牌代工生產,是本地製造業的高峰。1980年代生產線北移,香港製造業逐漸萎縮,中小型公司搬廠返大陸,一些有實力的公司則轉向進軍零售
  • Industrialization in Post-war Hong Kong
這是政府提交立法局的年度報告,內有不同章節提及工業和勞工。1908年至1937年的行政報告中 "Trade and Shipping, Industries, Fisheries, Agriculture and Land"(貿易及船務、工業、漁業、農業及土地)一章內有 "Industries"(工業)一節。後來於1927年改稱為 "Manufactures"(製造業),及至1931年又改為 "Production" (生產)。1909年至1923年間,報告中將工業分為兩類:(i)洋資工業及(ii)華資工業。 這些政府報告只描述部份行業的概況,並無提供生產、僱傭或勞工狀況的統計資料。由1910
  • Administrative Reports
Ha and his business partner started a small dyeing factory in Castle Peak Road. It started with dyeing business. They then bought machines and expanded to knitting synthetic fabrics because the manufacturing process was not difficult and easier for them to manage. As newer and more diverse fabrics b
  • Oral History Archives
  • 2009-11-17
Right after Chan graduated from secondary school in 1976, he worked at Kai Ngai Embroidery Factory as a clerk and a trainee. Kai Ngai was home-style factory located in Tam Kung Mansion, Tam Kung Road, To Kwa Wan.  It was opened in three connected residential units with
  • Oral History Archives
  • 2013-03-26
Small-scale garment manufacturing factories were scarce in pre-war Hong Kong. Those hiring more than 30 workers were already regarded as big factories. Garments were mainly for supplied to the local market. In pre-war period, western-style shirts were unpopular among Chinese. They were used to go to
  • Oral History Archives
  • 2011-05-25
Currently, Chung Nam’s major market was mainland China where it had over 300 outlets. Chong Hok Hoi said that the initial development of retailing on the mainland was tough. Key problems included stiff competition from Swiss brands and the difficulty in finding reliable wholesalers and distributors.
  • Post-war Industries
  • 1990s-2000s
Small-scale garment manufacturing factories were scarce in pre-war Hong Kong. Those hiring more than 30 workers were already regarded as big factories. Garments were mainly for supplied to the local market. In pre-war period, western-style shirts were unpopular among Chinese. They were used to go to
  • Post-war Industries
  • 1940s-1950s
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