Transcending Space and Time – Early Cinematic Experience of Hong Kong
Recently Visited


Mr. Ron Borden
Mr. Frank Bren
Mr. Jack Lee Fong (The Palace Theatre, San Francisco, USA)
Mr. Perry Ho
Descendants of Mr. Lai Man-wai
Ms. Lam Mo Ching
Mr. Lau Yam
Mr. Law Kar
Ms. Law Sai-kim
Descendants of Mr. Lee Gee-hing
Descendants of Mr. Lo Kok-fei
Mr. Michael Rogge
Ms. Dolores Wang
Ms. S. Louisa Wei
Mr. James Wong
Mr. Lawrence Wong Ka-hee
Mr. Wong Ka-keung
Ms. Winnie Yuen Tsz-ying
British Council Hong Kong
British Library Board
Cathay-Keris Films Pte Ltd.
Charles Gilbert Collection, Northeast Historic Film
China Film Archive
Chinese Taipei Film Archive
Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna
Imperial War Museum
Library of Congress
New York State Archives
Shaw Movie City Hong Kong Limited
The Hong Kong Museum of History
