Hi! Houses: A Journey into the History of Century-old Houses with the Artists
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Links and References

Hi! Houses (Art Promotion Office – Website)

Hi! Houses (Art Promotion Office – Facebook page)

邂逅!老房子 聽聽時間的故事

七彩屏風 x 畫百年古蹟 石家豪細數孫中山 (remark: Accessed in November 2020)

Jaffa Lam x Sam Tung Uk Museum

Hi! Houses: Lam Tung Pang x Wong Uk Village (Directed by Lam Tung Pang)

王屋村古屋變藝術展 重現昔日沙田藍染技術

Art Promotion Office (ed.). Hi! Houses: A Journey into the History of Century-old Houses with the Artists. Hong Kong: Leisure and Cultural Services Department, 2016.