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Knitting in the 1950s

Knitting is a method with which looping through stitches are repeated for the production of knitted fabrics. Knitting produces fabrics that are elastic, which can be used to produce cotton vests, socks, under-shirts, etc.

Manufacturing processes of Knitting 1
Cotton yarn brought to the factory is wound in hanks, packed in bales. The first preparatory process is to transfer the yarn onto a bobbin.

Manufacturing processes of Knitting 2
The cotton yarn is wound on the cones to be delivered to the Tomkin's knitting machine.

Manufacturing processes of Knitting 3
The circular knitting machine produces fabric of tubular shape. The yarn comes from the cone below.

Manufacturing processes of Knitting 4
The completed fabric is rolled up at the top into bale.

Manufacturing processes of Knitting 5
The knitted fabric is cut into the required pattern. Since the fabric is in the tubular shape, very little material is wasted. The collar and the sleeves are the parts to be cut.

Manufacturing processes of Knitting 6
After cutting the next process is sewing. For lady's underwear silk thread is used.

Manufacturing processes of Knitting 7
The completed singlets are ironed and backed up with cardboard and packed in cartons.


  • Manufacturing processes of Knitting 1

  • Manufacturing processes of Knitting 2

  • Manufacturing processes of Knitting 3

  • Manufacturing processes of Knitting 4