About Hong Kong Memory


Hong Kong Memory (HKM) is a multi-media web site that gives free and open access to digitized materials on Hong Kong’s history, culture and heritage. The materials include text documents, photographs, posters, sound recordings, motion pictures and videos.

HKM is Hong Kong’s response to UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme which calls for the preservation of valuable archive holdings and library collections all over the world through digitization to guard against collective amnesia.

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Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust






    • To preserve Hong Kong’s historical and cultural heritage by means of digitization;
    • To consolidate dispersed sources of local historical and cultural heritage;
    • To ensure convenient and global access to valuable historical and cultural heritage;

    • To share, evoke and articulate Hong Kong people’s memories
    • To enrich Hong Kong people’s sense of place
    • To enrich the younger generation’s sense of history and enable them to connect with the past and think of the future
    • To enrich the world’s understanding of Hong Kong by presenting its many different faces
    • To facilitate learning – including lifelong learning -- and research at different levels
    • To facilitate community participation and enhance the sense of community
    • To provide a new paradigm for digital archives/libraries/museums





Three main aspects of Hong Kong Memory (HKM)
    • 1
      Collections. HKM acts as a depository of source materials in different media. The materials are organized into Collections by subject under four broad themes.

        • History and society
        • Geography and Environment
        • Art and Culture
        • Communication and Media

      Collections may be browsed individually, searched individually or searched across multiple Collections.


    • 2
      Exhibitions. HKM curates Exhibitions to showcase materials and enhance interest among users. Exhibitions are formed with materials selected from one or more Collections and organized around a topic or a story.


    • 3
      Oral History. A key component of the website is the Oral History Collection which gathers materials about people’s lived experience and memories. It provides a space for people’s “voices” to be articulated and heard.





Hong Kong Memory is built on wide collaboration. In 2006, the Centre of Asian Studies of The University of Hong Kong, which was then renamed the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (incorporating the Centre of Asian Studies), was commissioned by the Hong Kong Jockey Club to develop the Hong Kong Memory Project.

The Working Group. A Working Group was formed between 2007 and 2011, comprising experts who advised the HKU Project Team on the project’s development.

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The Project Team. Starting from 2006 to 2014, scholars, researchers, IT experts and support staff from the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (incorporating the Centre of Asian Studies) and The University of Hong Kong Libraries, The University of Hong Kong,formed the Team and worked on the project.

Participating Experts. Many scholars and experts in the field have contributed to the project by creating, compiling and organizing Collections and Exhibitions. Some have given us permission to use materials that they have collected for many years.

Interviewees. Members of the community have helped us create oral history records through interviews.

Contributing Institutions. Many institutions, including government institutions, commercial institutions and voluntary associations have contributed valuable records to Hong Kong Memory. Acknowledgements are given as follows in alphabetic order:

Aberdeen Technical School
Amoy Food LTD
ATV Enterprises Limited
Bear Music Ltd.
Belilios Public School
Celestial Pictures Ltd.
Central Textiles (HK) LTD.
Chan's Scaffolding Works Limited
Cheung Chau Government Secondary School
China Dyeing Holdings, Ltd.
Chinese Manufacturers' Association
Chiu Chau Plastic Manufacturers Association Co., Ltd.
Chun Au Knitting Factory Limited
Chung Nam Watch Co., Ltd.
Church Mission Society
Civil Aviation Department
Clementi Secondary School
Commercial Broadcasting Co. Ltd
Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Limited
Construction Industry Council
Correctional Services Department
Dailywin Watch Products Mfg Ltd.
Elec & Eltek International Company Limited
Federation of HK Garment Manufacturers
Federation of Hong Kong Industries
Federation of Hong Kong Watch Trades & Industries Limited
Fountain Set (Holdings) Limited
GC Media Teamwork Limited
Grand Music Co.
Hoe Hin Pak Fah Yeow Manufactory Limited
Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited
Hong Kong Antiquities and Monuments Office
Hong Kong Arts Centre
Hong Kong Cable Television Limited
Hong Kong Correctional Services Museum
Hong Kong Cotton Spinners Association
Hong Kong Economic Journal Co., Ltd.
Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
Hong Kong Government Records Service
Hong Kong Heritage Museum
Hong Kong Information Services Department
Hong Kong Local Records Foundation Limited (Lingnan University)
Hong Kong Museum of History
Hong Kong Plastics Manufacturers Association Ltd
Hong Kong Productivity Council
Hong Kong Recording Industry Alliance Limited
Hong Kong Watch Manufacturers Association
Hong Kong Weaving Mills Association
Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA)
Hongkong Post
International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong)
Joint Publishing(H.K.) Co.
Kin Hip Metal & Plastic Factory Ltd.
Kowloon Fruit & Vegetable Merchants Associaiton Limited
La Salle College
Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary School)
Ming Pao Publication Limited
Munsang College
Nga Tsin Wai Village Committee
Pui Ching Middle School
Pui Ying Secondary School
Queen's College
Radio and Television Hong Kong
Silver Manufactory Holdings Co. Ltd
Sir Ellis Kadoorie Primary School
South China Morning Post
St. Joseph's College
St. Paul's College
St. Paul's Convent School
St. Stephen's College
St. Stephen's Girls' College
Sub-Culture Limited
Swire Pacific Ltd.
Ta Kung Pao
The China Paint Mfg. Co. (1932) Ltd
The University of Hong Kong Libraries
Tins Chemical Coporation Ltd.
Yam Kim Fai & Pak Suet Sin Charitable Foundation Ltd
Ying Wa College
Ying Wa Girls' School