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Fishery Associations

Tai O on Lantau Island to the west of Hong Kong is located on the eastern rim of the Pearl River estuary. The Pearl River has always been a major transport artery for southern China, while the delta region was once home to a large number of fish farms that bred yellow croakers and cichlids. As recently as the 1970s, Tai O provided anchorage for more than 500 fishing boats and supported a population of more than 20,000 people.

The sea has always been fickle and full of danger, and the bounty it offers fishermen is unpredictable. To promote cohesion and mutual assistance and to resolve disputes, Tai O’s fishing community formed several fishery associations, including the Hop Sum Tong set up by “big tail junk” fishermen who fish mainly for yellow croakers, the Pa Teng Hong for “Pa Teng junk” fishermen who fish mainly for cichlids, and the Sin Yu Hong established by fish merchants who buy and resell fresh catches.


  • Banner of Pa Teng Hong

  • Banner of Sin Yu Hong (Yu Yip Hong)

  • Banner of Hop Sum Tong