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香港賽馬會最初由一班熱衷賽馬運動的人士組成,百多年來推動馬術運動及為市民提供娛樂,並致力於慈善事業及服務社會。馬會投入社會公益可追溯至1914年; 自此每年不斷撥款資助不同的慈善機構,為不同需要的市民服務。 踏入1950年代,馬會與香港社會一起成長。1959年,馬會在主席賓臣的領導下,成立了香港賽馬會(慈善)有限公司,開展了一套新的捐助模式,將營運盈利回饋社會。公司的董事會不時與政府商討,確保捐款用得其所,支持香港社會發展。 多年來,馬會支持基本民生需要,由馬會捐助的診所、醫院、游泳池、學校等設施遍佈全港,見證香港的發展和社會需要。1970至1980年代,馬會推動了多個大型項目,如香港體育
Originally established as an exclusive club for people interested in racing, The Hong Kong Jockey Club has provided entertainment and promoted horse racing since the early colonial days. But the Club has also established an increasingly important role in charitable and community works in Hong Ko
Ho Sau was born in 1925 in Guangzhou and studied in Hong Kong as a child. Ho Sau was diligent and has a love for the arts. Although the war has interrupted his studies, it has not deterred his pursuit for the photographic arts. Beginning in the 50s he began taking up photography as a hobby.  Stretc
Chan Siu Fan was born in Minbei Fujian in 1964, and moved to Hong Kong in the late 1970s. After graduating from secondary school, he started working first at a toy factory and later as a worker packaging food. In 1991, he began to learn bamboo scaffolding and became a master himself after a year. H
Staff of Victoria Prison
昔日的竹棚 數百年來,華南地區都沿用搭棚的技術。自1840年代開始,搭棚的技術對香港的發展更是不可或缺。    太古糖廠的興建(1882-1884) 這個系列的相片顯示,在1882年至1884年間,鰂魚涌太古糖廠的興建工程大量採用了搭棚技術。整座綜合廠房的規模宏大,內有煉糖設備、貨倉、鍋爐室、辦公室及員工宿舍,雄據港島東區多年。   中區地標 英國於1841年佔領香港以後,中區隨即成為政府行政與商業的核心區域。從本節的相片可見,當時一些地標樓宇的建造工程都採用竹棚架來協助施工。 運棺斜道 舊日香港常見殯儀專用斜台。以往有人如在廉租公寓較高樓層的單位過世,礙於公寓的樓梯狹窄陡斜,加上棺木途經門戶
Biography Major Edward Aldrich was appointed Commanding Royal and Superintendent Engineer after arriving in Hong Kong in 1843.
Clothing and Bedding
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