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有關典藏 裴達禮教授於1963年獲頒「倫敦─康奈爾東亞與東南亞人類學研究項目獎學金」,成為首兩名領受該獎學金的研究生之一。他選擇前往廖氏族群自14世紀初元朝於新界上水建立的鄉村,租住村內房舍18個月並記下村民的日常生活、祭祀活動、發展歷程、組織及生活用品等資料。 此典藏展示裴達禮自從上水鄉實地考察及往後40年多次重返該地時拍下的照片,集結成上水鄉生活模式及環境變遷的紀錄,許多照片中的景象已不復見。
About Hong Kong Memory  What's New
What is Hong Kong Memory? Co-organizers Objectives and Visions Scope and Nature A Collaborative Project   WHAT IS HONG KONG MEMORY?  Hong Kong Memory (HKM) is a multi-media web site that gives free and open access to digitized materials on Hong Kong’s history, culture and heritage. The material
Phone : 852-2921 0338             (Mon to Fri: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm; 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm, except public holidays) Fax    : 852-2405 2842 Email  : hkmemory@lcsd.gov.hk
About Professor Hugh Baker Professor Hugh Baker was trained in Chinese at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London, and undertook anthropological fieldwork in a New Territories village in the 1960s. He taught Chinese and Social Institutions at SOAS until retirement as Professor an
這是政府提交立法局的年度報告,內有不同章節提及工業和勞工。1908年至1937年的行政報告中 "Trade and Shipping, Industries, Fisheries, Agriculture and Land"(貿易及船務、工業、漁業、農業及土地)一章內有 "Industries"(工業)一節。後來於1927年改稱為 "Manufactures"(製造業),及至1931年又改為 "Production" (生產)。1909年至1923年間,報告中將工業分為兩類:(i)洋資工業及(ii)華資工業。 這些政府報告只描述部份行業的概況,並無提供生產、僱傭或勞工狀況的統計資料。由1910
Hong Kong is a modern city, a wide range of traditional Chinese festivals are still being celebrated. While many of the festivals for gods and ghosts had faded out in Chinese communities in many places other than Hong Kong, the city remains one of the few places in the world to watch these fascinati
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