第91-100 項結果,共969項結果 , 0.025s

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The old airfield gates, Flying in & out, The old runways, Hangar for sale, How I went for work, The old Kowloon East, The old Kowloon Bay, The 1967 Riot, Making of 13/31, The new public estates, When typhoon hits, Illegal mini-bus, Noise complaints
人才大匯聚, 八十黑寡婦, 何故要合併, 客米公主號, 美軍新裝置, 古惑美空軍, 暴動時福利, 中航初到境, 文革後遺症, 移民大浪潮
For more than half a century, Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company (HAECO) has been one of the most important aviation businesses. Not only has it seen the development of Hong Kong's aviation industry and the transformation of the communities around Kai Tak Airport after World War II, it also play
啟德舊入口, 升降舊機場, 舊跑道運作, 舊機庫變賣, 啟德上班法, 東九龍舊貌, 九龍灣禁區, 雙十節暴動, 建跑道亂況, 彩虹與坪石, 颱風襲港時, 豬籠車小巴, 麗晶大控訴
Hoi On Cafe first opened in Connaught Road West in Shang Wan in 1952 and is located close to the sea. The founder named the cafe “Hoi On”, meaning everyone who travels in the sea can all come back safe. This is one of the oldest local Cha Chaan Tengs. The storefront has not been altered, and it only
Cha Chaan Teng has instilled the austere post-war architecture of Hong Kong with the most local, the most intimate spatial experience. From breakfast to dinner, Cha Chaan Teng transforms the plainest interior space into a humane venue where different food experiences are encompassed. It is also the
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