The Woollen Glove Industry in Hong Kong
This short report reviews the manufacture of woollen glove in Hong Kong, with respect to general condition of this industrys, machines installed and figures of export quantity and value.
The Rattanware Industry in Hong Kong
This short report reviews the rattanware industry in Hong Kong, with respect to product types, employment, workshops and production operation, as well as Figures of export.
Hong Kong Footwear
This short report reviews the manufacture of rubber footwear in Hong Kong, with respect to product types, imports of raw materials and exports of finished products.
Flour Milling in Hong Kong
The article introduces the Hong Kong Flour Mills Ltd., a newly built flour mill in Hong Kong, with respect to the founder’s background, product quality, materials and manufacturing process, production capacity and factory facilities, and product brands.
Plastics in Hong Kong
The article reviews the plastic industry in Hong Kong, with respect to its history, product types and export values, machines used in large factories.
Paint Manufacture in Hong Kong
The article reviews the paint industry in Hong Kong with respect to exports, raw materials used and the range of products. Figures of export are provided.
The Artificial Jewellery Industry in Hong Kong
This short report introduces the newly emerged artificial jewellery industry in Hong Kong, with respect to the general condition of this industries, machines used, workers, materials and exports.
Pearl Buttons A Thriving Hong Kong Industry
The article presents the pearl button as a thriving industry. It introduces the various types of raw materials used for making pearl buttons, the making processes, the machines used and the selling prices.