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The 14th to 16th of the 8th month of the Lunar CalendarThe fire dragon dance is a traditional folk custom from Guangdong province. It can still be witnessed at two places in Hong Kong; Tai Hang and Pokfulam Village on Hong Kong Island. Both places had the fire dragon dance in the evening of the Mid-
The clan finds its unity by reference back to the one man from all members descend, that is the Founding Ancestor who came to the Sheung Shui area in the Yuan dynasty. Worship at his grave is the largest event of the clan year and takes place at Chung Yeung, the 9th day of the 9th lunar month. The f
Once ruled by the British, Hong Kong retains many architectural structures bearing colonial features. The largest among them, and that which also carries the highest historical value, is the building complex formed by the interconnecting Central Police Station, Former Central Magistracy and Victoria
Tin Hau's official birthday celebration is held on day twenty-three of the third moon, or in late March of the solar calendar. In Hong Kong, however, public celebrations typically extend over a longer period and may be held in late April or early May. Paper masters explain these varying dates by cit
農曆七月初六 - 七姐誕源自民間流傳牛郎和織女於農曆七月初七在鵲橋相會的故事,古時的婦女三步不出閨門,女紅是必學的技藝,她們拜祭織女,就是希望求得心靈手巧,來日嫁得如意郎君。但時移世易,今天的女子已踏出社會工作,不再專職於針線手藝。節日的意義消失,參拜的人便愈來愈少,在香港可以看到這風俗的地方已不多了。
Wong Jum-sum loved sound, loved music. He grew up on a diet of radio broadcast, at a time when television was a luxury for most.He listened to popular radio hosts Fong Wing and Li Ngaw telling stories past and present.He listened indiscriminately to music of all kinds. Indian and Chaozhou, Western a
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